Inspired Ideas For Quartz Countertops In The Bathroom

By now you might be hip to the new countertop material in town, quartz composite. In fact, quartz composite has been around for quite a while. Its durability has long been prized for the kitchen. As Home and Garden TV points out, quartz countertops consist of 95 percent ground natural quartz mixed with 5 percent polymer resins. In addition to affording you almost limitless color and pattern combinations, this formula makes quartz resistant to stains, mildew, and mold – perfect for a bathroom vanity surface.

The Problem With Less Well-Known Pests

All homeowners know to be aware of pests such as termites, bed bugs, and cockroaches, but other, less famous pests can wreak havoc on your home as well. If you are experiencing an influx of bugs such as boxelder bugs, centipedes, and earwigs, you need the help of a pest control expert. Boxelder Bugs These creatures are black with orange or red markings and are about 1/2 inch in length. They look harmless, and generally are as long as they stay outside of your home.

Tips For Dealing With Skunk Spray On Your Dog's Fur

Few smells are as distinctive as that of skunk spray. If your dog has run afoul of a skunk that's taken up residence on your property, it's in your best interest to deal with the odor right away. The longer you leave your dog untreated, the deeper the oil penetrates into the fur, which can make the odor last for days. While you're waiting for your pest control service to come out and trap the offending critter, here are some tips to deal with the odor it left behind on your dog.

How to Use the Color Orange Effectively in Home Office Design

If you're crazy about the color orange, you're not alone. Orange is making a big impact in interior design. Perhaps you never thought about using the color orange in your office because you thought it would be too overpowering. However, inviting orange into your home office makes sense. Orange is energizing and can make even the dreariest day appear a little brighter. It can transform a dull and boring office into an office that refreshes and energizes you.

3 Simple Ways To Take The Work Out Of Cleaning Your Bathroom Mirrors And Shower Enclosures

Cleaning the glass in your bathroom may be one of the most aggravating household chores. First, you have to deal with the foggy build-up and streaks on your mirrors. Then, you have to try and get the hard water deposits off the shower enclosure. It's enough to make you want to just throw in the towel and give up. Relax. Here are some simple solutions for getting your bathroom glass sparkling clean.

Live, Work, And Play: Designing An Outdoor Living Space That's Practical And Fun

Do you enjoy outdoor living but find your outdoor space to be a little dull and boring? A little creativity goes a long way when it comes to designing an outdoor space that you and your family will love. A great outdoor space should provide plenty of room to entertain and have fun, while at the same time be practical enough to handle a garden full of vegetables and flowers.

Breaking Up Those Toilet Stains Without Chemicals

Finding the right products to clean your toilet can be difficult if you're hoping to stay away from chemicals, especially if your toilet has mineral stains or hard-water rings. While you can find many products at the supermarket that promise to rid your toilet of these stains, they can be quite pricey depending on what you buy and where you shop. The good news is that you can use items that you may already purchase on a regular basis to take care of these unsightly stains for you.

Three Reasons To Use Blinds In Your Home

Privacy, right? The only reason to install blinds on your windows so that you don't have—or constantly feel like you have—neighbors watching your every move. Not so fast. While it is true that blinds will wall you off from the outside world, they can do way more than add a little privacy to your home.  Energy Efficiency Windows are a gaping hole in your home's insulation blanket. During the summer, the sun's UV rays can stream right through your windows and cause your home to heat up, which in turn makes your AC unit run much harder than it should.

3 Advantages To Emergency Lighting Systems

Emergency lighting is a necessity in your building if you want to be protected during weather events, electrical failure, fires and other sorts of emergencies that can happen inside your building. With this in mind, you should consider the benefits of this lighting, outlined below. By enjoying these benefits, you will have the opportunity to take inventory of your business and reach out to an emergency lighting professional who can provide you with an installation.

Stop Washing Your Dishes By Hand!

Despite what your mother may have told you, taking the easy way out when it comes to the after-dinner dishes is the right choice. Evidence now shows that using a dishwasher is the healthy and ecologically-friendly thing to do. Even rinsing the dishes before you put them in the dishwasher is a bad idea.  Energy Efficient Because today's dishwashers are so energy efficient, you are not able to save water by hand washing your pots, pans, and plates.